K-pop Club

Welcome to the K-pop Club at Lowell High School! Our club is dedicated to celebrating Korean pop music. From arts and crafts to organizing trading events and discussing the latest music releases, we provide a space for fans to connect, share their passion, and immerse themselves in the vibrant world of K-pop. Join us as we vibe to K-pop music , learn about the Korean entertainment industry, and foster a welcoming community for K-pop enthusiasts at Lowell High School! Our meetings will be held every other Monday in room 337 from 3:45-4:30!!

Meetings: We meet every Monday at Room 337 3:45-4:30

Club Officers:

President: Gianna Mendez 2701

Vice President: Mia Minalo 2716

Other Officers: Secretary-Bailey Hughes Treasurer-Kaylee Luk Public Relations-Linda Nguyen Activities Director-Auhona Newaz